Serving our customers since 1957 with a strong reputation for the quality of our work. With decades of experience and numerous Master Technician certifications Calumet Marine is the best place to go for service on your marine engines. We also specialize in repairing older motors for your classic Johnson or Evinrude outboards.
Calumet Marine and Sports also keeps our service certifications current so we can offer factory service for many of the new high tech engines available today. We have highly trained service technicians available to repair everything from the new four stroke outboards to the latest in E-TEC technology.
Factory authorized service for:
Calumet Marine and Sports is one of a few dealers that can fully outfit a boat for fishing; whether your passion is inland lake fishing, river fishing, or big lake trolling we can get you ready to perform on the water. Let Calumet Marine and Sports rig your boat with all the accessories including marine electronics, downriggers, rods, reels, and tackle; when your boat leaves our shop it is ready to go fishing.